One Man Band

Herbie's Happy Key-Sound

             For the most ENJOYABLE, and most VARIOUS

             "LIVE MUSIC" and "VOCAL

                                   with >1500 songs

Specialized in Dance- (all Ballroom & Latin), Party-, Easy Listening- and Show-music, in:

- English   (with complete repertoire) (+ Irish)

- Spanish  (with complete repertoire)

- German  (with complete repertoire)

- Dutch     (with complete repertoire)

- and some French, Italian and Indonesian songs


electronic Multi-Voice Back-up Vocal-group-system


the possibility (optional) in participate for the audiance

to SING ALONG  with KA-RA-O-KE-system


              additional KARAOKE-show

    with 20.000 International, famous, traditional, and 30.000 Thai songs

                            for Children  and  Adults

in English, Spanish, German, French, Portugese, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Thai, Dutch & some Hindi

With Beemer and Projection-screen, (and Radio-Transmission to your TV´s on request only)

Incluiding HERBIE´s Live Music Show  = a  DOUBLE SHOW for almost the same money

Always WITHOUT INTERMISSIONS due to Multy-System  (10 music sources)

               to Dance, Singalong or just Herbie´s Non-Stop-Live Show!!

for more information and booking:

                  Herbert Reinderhoff

Holland - Mobile  (+ 31) (0)6-55595825  (the "0" only in Holland)

Spain -    Mobile  (+ 34) 689 383600

Guyana -  mobile: +592 665-5419 (South America)

Skype Free - HERBIE 3067

Spoken Lenguages:

English, German, Dutch and some Spanish and French


"Herbie's Happy Key-sound"


For the most enjoyable and various Dance and Party-music in KEY-BOARD and VOCAL, such as Disco, Rock & Roll, S-American, Feast, Easy Listening, etc.

Besides my international repertoire also specialised in Spanish, German & Dutch parties.

You have a choice of over 1500 songs (over 60 hours) for all occasions and public audiences in English, French, German, Dutch, Indonesian and Spanish.

Selections range from Romantic soft tunes to the most exciting of all varities, Such as

A complete orchestre keyboard system with electronic background choir and back-up group with multi-voice system.

More information and bookings to 

                           Herbert Reinderhoff

Holland - Rotterdam: +31 (0)655595825  (0  in Holland only)

Spain - Tarragona : Tel. mobile +34 689 383600

P.s.: Pre-agreement of volume upon request.

P.s.: Brochures also in other lenguages